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Earthmalaxier Universe - Marcus Springer


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Promo Video
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Generation of Mutants: Origins

A Digital Comic book Franchise - written and designed by: Marcus Springer

Comic: The 'G.O.M' are a rebel team of superheroes who are forced to fight against aggressive, oppressive super powers and rogue warped super villains.

G.O.M - Brief
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Est: 2020/0 (ae) After Evolution

The 'G.O.M' are a rebel team of superheroes who are forced to fight against an aggressive, oppressive superpower (The B.M.C.G and the Peacebreakers) and against many rogue, super villains around the UK.

This is the second original G.O.M team - the first true heroes of the world after Year 1A.E (After Evolution/2020).
Banded together through unfortunate and curious events they have a collective interest in protecting the world and citizens from those who wish it harm and oppression.

Written & Designed by Marcus Movie Springer

The Government - B.M.C.G

Human Evolution changed everything!

The New World 2020 AD = Year 0 A.E (After Evolution)

The Biogenetic Militant Conservative Government are the Far Left/Far Right Government of Britain and long running antagonist in the Franchise - their political leanings? think Nazbol if you will. 
The B.M.C.G had manipulated their way into power (literally - using the powers of suggestion of the PM's son/Shadow chancellor of the Exchequer 'Manipulate')
Prime Minister Francesca Page had successfully sabotaged the foundations of all the main parties in power (Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems, Greens, Ukip etc and had them exiled under the new enforcement laws.


B.M.C.G Brief
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P.B.K Brief

PeaceBreaker Mercenary Corps

Masters of destabilisation and chaos

The extremist group, the 'PeaceBreakers Mercenary Corps' are a payrolled team of superpowered mercenaries/private militia, for the evil and corrupted B.M.C.G government party.

G.O.M: Origins - Volume 1 Issue 2

is Out Now!

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Mars Empire

All will bow to Martian Rule

The mysteries of the Martian Empire

are to be unravelled.

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©2025 by Marcus Springer - Generation of Mutants: Origins.
Story, Design, Characters By Marcus Amponsah Springer

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