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Earthmalaxier Universe - Marcus Springer




As with their past human counterparts, Genome.E's have the ability to heal their wounds but this in Genomes is accelerated by 100%.

In some special cases, healing may include further advanced levels of regeneration such as organs, bones, with some even being able to regrow a head and vital organs such as a heart.



Regeneration in humans after evolution has increased by an average of over 150% and greatly varies between Genome.Es, determined on natural chance, physical, mental status, can be improved via nurture and many other factors. All humans have an increased healing factor but these factors need to be maintained via specific methods.


Regeneration usually always includes limb and organ regeneration, even with vital organs like the brain and heart, but these lengths are limited by either continuous damage, and healing rates can be restricted, reduced or halted by receiving damage of their elemental (Cosmic Aura) types. When limitations come into play, permanent damage can be the result and death if overcome/medical help is not sought.


Healing times range between nanoseconds to a few days and is usually slower for those who aren't as active in combat/physical activties


Strength of regeneration

Regeneration strength is determined by different factors and can strengthen or weaken depending on lack of intake from these sources or natural  effects

Some of the Positive actions/ factors / activating effects or ways to gain, improve and increase healing rates include;

  1. Training - 

  2. Meditation - For all, sleep, rest and meditation is a surefire way of increasing many abilities including and especially overall regeneration rates and overall lifespan

  3. Good nutrition - Nutrition is key for providing the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to recover. Some humans have the ability to supercharge and instantaneously heal via food intake. This is usually due to turbo fast metabolic rates within the individuals. The downside is that these individuals may have to intake more food at regular intervals to maintain their health, regeneration rates and may have reduced energy reserves, but the plus side is that it can take as much as little as a crumb for these turbo healing abilities to activate and the high metabolism usually results in boosted fitness/speeds

  4. Positive mental health

  5. Absorption

  6. Healthy energy reserves

  7. Oxygen intake

  8. G.S.S Substance intake 

  9. Immunity boosting

  10. Chemical reaction/catalyst (This includes elemental absorption, self induced chemical bonding/reactions, to activate boosted/instant regeneration

  11. Environmental pressures

Some of the negative - slowing factors / effects include; 

  1. Malnourished / Dehydrated symptoms

  2. Aging - even before evolution, as we reach into age our later stages in age bodies become more susceptible and 

  3. Lack of exercise

  4. Hormonal imbalance

  5. Stress/Depression/Mental health conditions

  6. Fatigue / Loss of stamina or energy

  7. Lack of Oxygen

  8. G.S.S Substance abuse

  9. Poisoning 

  10. Limitations (repetitive damage before given time to heal can lead to a temporary halt, reduction in healing rates.


Types of Regeneration

Among Genome.Es (all humans on Earth) there are various regeneration boosts, traits or abilities that each individual possesses - Some of these abilities can be learnt, whilst others are strictly signature to the individuals nature.

  1. Direct food intake

  2. Meditation

  3. Genome Aura Ability - a turbo charged ability in some Genome-E's that allow Regeneration at will, but often at the cost of temporary stamina and Genome.E power level reduction

  4. Nutritional reserves based regeneration - 

  5. Leech/Vampire - Relying on iron and blood plasma  - positives are that the energy drawn from leeching blood or aura power are that these reserves are usually enough to maintain/increase healing, immunity and 
    The downside is that human blood isn't always readily available (though many may simply require blood of any creature other than humans) that blood intake can be risky due to disease and parasite contraction. Also vampirism/cannibalism is usually frowned upon.

  6. Solar 

  7. Rooting

  8. Cocoon

  9. Shedding

  10. Cell regeneration

  11. Cybernetic/android/Biotechnological

  12. Radioactive

  13. Molecular - There are some humans who can regenerate from severe injuries such as beheading, shredding etc via molecular level restructuring and regeneration. This is a rare gift but comes at a cost of not being able to transfuse blood/organ donate, etc
    There is usually a specialized single/Prime cell/molecule that controls this process and may be protected in the most least expected regions of the body and even more rarely some can seal this cell outside of the body - especially in telekinetic/psychic type humans who stay connect via telepathic link. Any damage to this cell could lead to permanent life changing injuries or ultimately instant death

  14. Cosmic

  15. Immune System Enhancements

  16. Powering up/Charging

  17. Viral resistance 

  18. Mental Defense / Telekinetic recovery

  19. Respiratory

  20. Mystical - unknown, but said to be able to draw energy from spiritual planes

  21. Adrenaline

  22. Soundwave Frequencies - Usually used by Wizard, Magical type specialists and works by tuning the bodies frequency to a certain soundwave channel which in turn activates/triggers superhealing boosting within the body - similar to forms of spiritual prayers/chants.

  23. Temperature - this is mostly between Heat/Fire and Cold/Frost specialists who can use their own temperature to regulate their bodies to their optimal temperatures which in turn activates specialized regenerative cells that heal at an accelerated rate

  24. Kinetic shield transference

  25. Substance intake

  26. Chemical Reaction/Catalyst


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©2025 by Marcus Springer - Generation of Mutants: Origins.
Story, Design, Characters By Marcus Amponsah Springer

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