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Earthmalaxier Universe - Marcus Springer

G.O.M - Generation 1 - Founding Members - Year: 2020 (0A.E)- 2055(1A.E)

Establishing Members

Professor customizo

The G.O.M's© infamous Professor Customizo© (The human android), and his human daughter and co-partner in the bio-genetic research Martina Huges.He has a long history behind him but the main points are that he is the co-founder of the G.O.M© and an ex-head of scientific research in the B.M.C.G© (before deserting along with many captives - a few of who would group together as a rebellion force against the B.M.C.G© for their cruel, extreme and inhumane methods of recruitment and experiment).


Raptor's mother Project: Perfect© is his sister who at the time was broke and had incredible Genome-E© powers. The Newly formed B.M.C.G© had a programme which enlisted citizens of both genome-e and human nature into for a good fee. Many never got to see or use this money under the year long research and more and more forceful withholdings began taking place on those who wanted to leave, as many began falling victim to the mutant cancer G.S.S.

He then went on to release the imprisoned civilians and formed the G.O.M© with his teenage daughter Martina by his side. Alongside the original G.O.M© were Voodoo©, Target, Aim, Archaeological©, Mirror©, Relentless and many others

After performing the trials on Perfect (Who was unknowingly pregnant with Raptor©), she developed the cancer which was passed onto Raptor©. At the birth of Raptor©, in seeing the severe combustion and pain being inflicted on Raptor© and herself (due to the cancer), she fled with Raptor© to the B.M.C.G© rooftops and jumped to her death along with her newborn.Professor Custom© who was on a smoke break downstairs at the time had just argued with Raptor's© father Rex© (who was attempting to leave Perfect during the birth).

They both witnessed the death, but Rex© turned his back and never returned. Professor Customizo© realising their was still life in Raptor© took the child and fled. He and a few of the volunteers unhappy about the B.M.C.G's force were already plotting an escape in which forced Customizo into creating a protective faceplate like his own for Raptor to put out the flames and control the cancer (from his own android like skin cells), and took Raptor© into hiding amongst the Nukillers© crime syndicate boss's Nukiller's© wing -for a regular and substantial fee (realising he would be of some use to his rare regenerative abilities).

Professor Customizo



Cosmic Aura Types & Elements:

Platinum (Enhanced Silver)





Turquoise (Enhanced Cyan)




Rubellite (Enhanced Pink


-Cell Generator


Ability Learning Type:


Bonus/Trademark  Attributes:

Bio-Nanotech Cellular Structure

Bio-Nanotech Limb Donation


Abilities: â€‹â€‹

Peak-Human Fighting

Peak-Human Strength

Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Condition

Defense Powers

Enhanced Durability

Technological Evolution

Biomechanical Limb Generation

Bio-Organic Constructs


Technological Override 

Mechanical Extension Control

Technological Manipulation

Temperature Manipulation

Solar energy Manipulation

Electrical Manipulation

Electrical Matter

Plasma Absorption

Plasma Manipulation

Regeneration (Slow Advanced)




Infrared Advance Manipulation

Extreme Communications

Elemental Absorption

Elemental Defense

Elemental Resistance

Elemental Transmutation

Environmental Adaptation

Technological Evolution

Chemical Generation

Plasma Projectiles

enhanced Durability

Mechanical Regeneration
Mechanical Constructs
Mechanical Morphing
Mechanical Symbiosis
Defense Mechanism
Mechanical Weapon Construct
Mechanical Limb Generation
Mechanical Creature Creation
Technology Bullet Projection
Technology Blast
High-Tech Exoskeleton
Impact Absorption

Technology Manipulation
Computer Interaction
DNA Manipulation
Electronic Disruption
Grappling Proficiency
Electronic Eyes
Nano-Active Blood
Object Manipulation


(Alternative Stages)

Ultimate Stages +


Upgraded Form


Notable Ultimate Attacks

Technology Generation

Technological Possession

Exotic Technology

Mecha Creation

Technological Constructs

Bio-Tech Manipulation


voodoo bLESSINGs

Voodoo© -Co-Founder/ Leader of the G.O.M©

Voodoo© G.O.M© - One of the founders and original G.O.M© members. He has lead the Generation of Mutants© into countless victories, using his high intelligence, wisdom, his ability to contact/use/manipulation of spiritual energy and outer beings, his combat abilities and weaponry expertise and his in depth knowledge of most religious customs including witchcraft.




Voodoo Blessings



Cosmic Aura Types & Elements:

Amethyst (Enhanced Purple)

-Purple Matter

+Müneccimbaşı (Fortune Telling)


Onyx (Enhanced Black)









Rubellite (Enhanced Pink)







Azure (Enhanced Blue)



Ability Learning Type:


Bonus/Trademark  Attributes:

Nephilim wings`++*`


Abilities: â€‹

Enhanced Fighting

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Strike

Enhanced Condition

Defense Powers

Enhanced Durability

Telepathy (Medium)




Astral Planes


Storm control

Animal Ghost summoning


Soul/spirit manipulation/Control

Supernatural defence/resistance

Spiritual communication

Energy taping

Plasma manipulation

Voodoo Combat
Physical Deformation
Communication Manipulation
Damage Reflection
Hypnotic Magic
Torment Inducement


Dream Manipulation

Dimensional Manipulation

Eternal Summer Inducement

Season Inducement

Paranormal Expertise

Curse Inducement

Dark Arts


(Alternative Stages)

Ultimate Form+

Mental Plane Lordship

Underworld Lordship


Notable Ultimate Attacks

Puppet Mastery

Magic Immunity


Inner World Creation

Void Creation


Airstrike© co-founder of the G.O.M.

Airstrike, one of the co-founders of the G.O.M. The best friend of Voodoo Blessings. Beginning as bounty hunters for the b.m.c.g. the two disapproved and decided to live a life of independance. It was then (2020) in which they turned from B.M.C.G property to aspiring businessmen. this, was something the governing party did not appreciate. Knowing that Voodoo and Airstrike knew many secrets and had many highly sought-for abilities that they had not fully extracted.
The B.M.C.G sent in elites such as Arachnis, Reynolds Plolo, and ....., 
After founding the G.O.M alongside 







Cosmic Aura Types  & Elements:

Citrine (Enhanced Orange)




Ability Learning Type:


Bonus/Trademark  Attributes:

Nephilim Wings

Lock-On Targeting Abilities


Abilities: â€‹â€‹

Enhanced Fighting

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Strike

Enhanced Condition

Defense Powers

Enhanced Durability

Solar energy manipulation

Power fists
Proton blasts
Proton beams
Lock on
Enhanced durability
Mini nuclear blasts
Night vision
Heat vision
X-ray vision
Heat resistance
Multi blasts
Elemental Resistance
Elemental blasts



(Alternative Stages)

Nephilim Mode

Ultimate Stages +


Notable Ultimate Attacks

Hellfire Mortar

Wing Darts

Chaos Strike

Merciless Beam

Lock-on Ultra






Cosmic Aura Types  & Elements:

Silver Cosmic





Rubellite (Enhanced Pink)


-Cell Generation

Ability Learning Type:


Bonus/Trademark Attributes:

Technological Creation


Abilities: â€‹â€‹

Civilian Level Fighting

Peak-Human Strength

Defense Powers

Peak-Human Durability

Bio-Technological Constructs

Technological Interference


(Alternative Stages)



Notable Ultimate Attacks

Carbon Fibre Blast





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©2025 by Marcus Springer - Generation of Mutants: Origins.
Story, Design, Characters By Marcus Amponsah Springer

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