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Genome-E Enhancements


G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©

Genome-E© mutations have gifted humans with permenant abilities which have additional benifits towards human-kind.

These are gifted towards all Genome-E humans but vary in strength and levels depending on base stats, how hard those regions have been trained in, natural growth and G.S.B drug enhancements, but these benifits CAN also decline over time via lack of use  and when reaching old age.

Enhanced speed/Stamina/Reflexes

G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©

Most healthy/average Genome.E's come equipped with enhanced speed levels (on average of 10-15% faster.

Enhanced Strength

G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©

Muscle strength is enhanced on an average of 20 -to 30% higher than a very healthy human martial athlete. Some Genome.Es whose ability is focused on strength can peak over the levels of 300% (whilst our human boxer example can range up to 99%.

Enhanced Durability (muscle, organ, and bone structure)

Skin cells, muscles and organs are toughened, bone density (although not physically visible) is increased by 20% or more, hair growth is usually increased, whilst harsh temperature resistance/body temperature control also increases by an average of 40%.

Remarkably, despite all these enhancements the genome.E human does not require more food, water or air than the average human being.

G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©

Enhanced Disease Resistance/Immunity

Genome.E's human resistance and immunity to harmful bacteria, fungus, parasites, cancers and diseases are enhanced by an average of 90%. In some special cases, some Genome.E's are able to harness, replicate, and project harmful pathogens, bacteria etc.

G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©


As with their past human counterparts, Genome.E's have the ability to heal their wounds but this in Genomes is accelerated by 100%.

In some special cases, healing may include further advanced levels of regeneration such as organs, bones, with some even being able to regrow a head and vital organs such as a heart.

G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©

Aura Generation, release and Environmental aura absorption

As Genome's grow, gain experience, train, hone in their skills, they become more powerful in their  respected specialties.


Levels are thought to go on from Level 1% and upwards without limit and are calculated by examination of Genome.E cells. The highest recorded level is over 400%.

Though levels are classified as permanent, levels can fluctuate if left dormant/inactivated for too long for too long. These decreases can range from 1 - 150 , but experience points required to regain lost levels are usually halved or split by 3/4s.

Those suffering from the Genome.E cancer (G.S.S/ Genome Soul Syndrome) usually level up at double of three times the speed per level.

G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©

Prolonged/Extended age 

As Genome's grow, gain experience, train, hone in their skills, they become more powerful in their  respected specialties.


Levels are thought to go on from Level 1% and upwards without limit and are calculated by examination of Genome.E cells. The highest recorded level is over 400%.

Though levels are classified as permanent, levels can fluctuate if left dormant/inactivated for too long for too long. These decreases can range from 1 - 150 , but experience points required to regain lost levels are usually halved or split by 3/4s.

Those suffering from the Genome.E cancer (G.S.S/ Genome Soul Syndrome) usually level up at double of three times the speed per level.

G.O.M (Generation of Mutants) / Earth Malaxier Universe©
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