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Malaxian Official Government

Queen Elizabeth Psyswerve©

©Marcus Springer

G.O.M 2: Raptor's Retribution© -
Queen Elizabeth Psyswerve© former elite of the (M.O.G) - Niece to Soulstar© who eventual becomes the Malaxian Onslaught Government© re-branded into the Malaxian Official Government© new leader and Malaxian Queen after disbanding the rebellious, cold blooded M.O.G© in order to save Raptor© (her future love interest) and the people of her nation, after a civil war in Beauty City.
Psyswerve© takes over the disbanded royal palace after the original elite M.P.I members had betrayed the Malaxians© they were responsible for caring for and reforms the government (after what was left of planet Malaxier© had veers towards Earth and survived).

With the M.P.I© war criminal elites (Lead by the temporary leaders Ghostar© & Retribution©) being too preoccupied with their hunt for the Sword of Malaxian Steel, releasing their dormant King Zackeous© and hunting down the rebellious, and equally carelessly destructive M.O.G, Queen Elizabeth Psyswerve© begins to rebuild the lands of Malaxier© stone by stone, enforcing a fair, equal and impressive leadership.
She is then hailed a hero and queen after single-handedly opposing and defeating a fleet of M.P.I© revenge attacks and M.O.G© invasion.



©Marcus Springer

The chain & Barb producing Shackles© of the M.O.G© (Malaxier Onslaught Guardians©) She becomes Queen Elizabeth Psyswerve's© right hand/Royal knight after Psyswerve's Rebellion


Defendos 2

©Marcus Springer

Defendos© of the M.O.G© (Malaxier Onslaught Guardians©), thought to be more powerful and durable than Earth's 4arm© and 6Shot© She is a powerful force and skilled fighter.


Doctor 109

©Marcus Springer

Doctor 109© of The M.O.G.© (Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©)
The mad scientist is responsible for building the M.O.G bases, vehicles, weapons, and Brutes© as well as possessing the knowledge of the solar system and instant learning abilities.
He is one of Soulstar's most trusted allies.


Royal Guard #1

©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.


Royal Guard #2

©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.



©Marcus Springer

Utilize, Defendos II, Shackles, Overcharge, Complicate, Patronize, Terrorize, Exhale and Thumper



©Marcus Springer

The chain & Barb producing Shackles© of the M.O.G© (Malaxier Onslaught Guardians©) She becomes Queen Elizabeth Psyswerve's© right hand/Royal knight after Psyswerves Rebellion.



©Marcus Springer

Utilize, Defendos II, Shackles, Overcharge, Complicate, Patronize, Terrorize, Exhale and Thumper



©Marcus Springer

Utilize, Defendos II, Shackles, Overcharge, Complicate, Patronize, Terrorize, Exhale and Thumper



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.

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