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Mars Empire Coalition

©Marcus Springer

These are the future enemies of Earth and Malaxier (G.O.M 4: Raptor's Return©) so are not so relevant to this 1st chapter... but as a special preview :D :
To the left we have the twisted extradited Reptilian Radnip© - the Draconian (Left) who had been sent in by his nation to infiltrate the underground inverted world of Mar's dominated by the co-existing and famously encountered aliens (on Earth) the Grey and the Green beings also known as Martians.


This reptilian's PLANS WERE to shape-shift and pose as the leader of the green, sell the greens, GREYS, HUMAN/ALIEN ABDUCTEES AND HYBRIDS as slaves to the grey's power crazed and greedy King Judgement© and catalyse a world war IN ORDER TO SECURE HIS LEADERSHIP AMOUNGST THE COALITION,

He plans to get his revenge on Earth with the new army consisting of Greys and Greens due to the fact he that he had been exiled from Earth by Voodoo© of the G.O.M© and Zackeous© of the M.P.I©. AND ULTIMATELY TO GET REVENGE ON HIS rEPTILIAN dRACONIAN SPECIES ON THEIR HOMEWORLD.. HIS PLAN LATER CHANGED BASED ON MORALISTIC CONFLICTION

The backstabbing leader of the Green Beings Alpha: Doom©. He and the Reptilian both lust for revenge on Earth and Malaxian humans because of past differences.
Together with the insane Grey government rebel King Judgement (behind), they formulate a plan to disseminate and then COMPLETELY take over Mars government (to appear as the saviours) and then launch an attack on nearby Earth.

Raptor© is abducted along with a few of Earth's most powerful (Zackeous©, Onemanarmy©, Dragon© and more) by Alpha Doom's disapproving twin Omega Surge©, who finds out about this deadly plan and seeks intergalactic help.

King Judgement
The Martian Grey King

The Cruel Grey being rebel leader King Judgement has always wanted power of Mars but has always been deemed too unfair and wicked to ever be considered a leader. An ex-elite commander of the Grey army during the historic past battles of the Grey Vs Green era, he was said to be the main reason of the war erupting in the first place. They now currently co-exist in peace making incredible technological and evolutionary advancements together.

He joins with the Reptilian exile Radnip© and the Greens declared traitor Alpha: Doom© in order to rise to power and take over the Mars government. He also has a fascination with Earth and Malaxier©, dreaming of all the minerals and riches they hold.

©Marcus Springer

Alpha dOOM Zero
King of the Green Martians

©Marcus Springer

Alpha DOOM Zero© the leader of the Green Martians and co-leader of the Mar's empire©
He is in charge of the abuduction, technology and worker/slave/soldier breeding process on Mars.

omega surge
princess of the Green Martians

©Marcus Springer

Alpha DOOM Zero© the leader of the Green Martians and co-leader of the Mar's empire©
He is in charge of the abuduction, technology and worker/slave/soldier breeding process on Mars.


©Marcus Springer

Radnip© the royal Reptilian rejection (Regenerating) Under B.M.C.G© confinement. The good hearted anti-hero who originally came to Earth to destroy and dominate it, learned to grow to appreciate and love the Earth, and some oF the people. Conflicted in theory, he joined the bad Government organization the B.M.C.G© Shapeshifting into the guise of Windshield only to be torn apart during a confrontation with Raptor© (before Raptor© joined the G.O.M©).He was left in this state and discovered to be an alien by the B.M.C.G's© Doctor Creedo who preformed extensive experiments on the body, unknowing that he was still alive but just temporarily defunct.
One day he awoke and was then moved onto a cell regeneration boosting procedure by Doctor Creedo in order to speed up Radnips© slow and inefficient recovery. He began secretly communicating with Doctor Creedo© filling him in with details and secrets of his quest and homeworld, and requesting enhancement in which the Doctor agreed.

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