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Biogenetic Militant Conservative Government


©Marcus Springer

Batvampiro©, leader of the B.M.C.G's© Team Mammal. With plans of taking over Birmingham, London and Manchester with the ability to transform non-~Genome Human beings into powerful Vampire-like mutations, he leads his team of Mammal oriented B.M.C.G soldiers on his rogue, personal conquest to eliminate all other Animal-type Genome-E's for a Mammal only world. His main mission. To destroy Warwolf© and capture Dragon© and Raptor© for B.M.C.G© experiments.
Armed with the ability to use extreme sonar powers, superb enhanced hearing (with a choice to select), flight, immunity to bacteria/viruses, gains extra energy from the night, ultra strength, super speed, durability, Superfast but generative healing abilities at night, talons, claws, the ability to absorb and resist certain levels of energy based attacks, swimming ability, and eventually the ability to manipulate and project dark and soul based energy rays.

Major Darkhound Maddog©

©Marcus Springer

Major Darkhound Maddog© of the B.M.C.G's© Armed with speed, super strength, a vicious bite, and pretty impressive durability, she is the worthy rival of Warwolf©
She was an ex animal poacher, usually bringing in exports of the finest materials to the leaders of the B.M.C.G© Francesca Page© and Manipulate© in order to gain promotion and was driven into further madness and rage after falling to G.S.S (Genome Soul Syndrome - cancer) after putting herself through enhancement trials (in order to increase her top speeds and reflexes. She is also now deemed as bulletproof.

Board of directors/Chair/Executive

©Marcus Springer 

Wildcat© of the B.M.C.G's© (In his Werefeline/cat & original human form). This cat doesn't squeeze through gaps.. he makes them.


©Marcus Springer 

Darkhare© of the B.M.C.G's© Team Mammal
(G.O.M:. Animal Kingdoms). Twice the size of a tall human, stronger than an elephant, as durable as a bus, with the ability to leap over most 6 storey buildings and land unscathed, Darkhare© also uses his speed and intelligence in combination with Slyfox© to confuse his targets and crush his opponents.


Snidefox© of the B.M.C.G's© Team Mammal; Armed with super intelligence, speed, cunning, flexibility, enhanced strength, agility, ability to squeeze through gaps, long jumps and his explosives experience, all but makes him a deadly hunter for the B.M.C.G© 

©Marcus Springer

©Tim Allen


©Marcus Springer

Terrorhog© of the B.M.C.G's© Team Mammal (In his original human form)
Due to being less durable than the others, he prefers the choice of weaponry in the form of heavy machinery.
His superstrong, ability to withstand elemental attacks and faster than human speed makes up for his lack of durability.and greedy and bad mannerisms.


©Marcus Springer

Streetrat© of the B.M.C.G's© Team Mammal. In denial about his transformable Rat-like form, considers himself a Cat-form of mutant form of Genome-E.
Streetrat© keeps the company of over 20 cats and holds a deep hatred and disgust for rodents especially rats (though they listen to his every command and have proved themselves loyal to him). His cats aren't too fond of him in his Giant Rat mode either.

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