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Army of #number

Suffer© - Co-Founder & Leader of the A.O.6©

©Marcus Springer

Suffer© - Founder & Leader of the A.O.6© Armed with the power of pain and any sort of suffering of her will, she is known to inflict heart attacks on her enemies due to extrme pain/pressure.

Heartbreak© A.k.A Breakdown© Co founder of the A.O.6© (Army of 6©)

©Marcus Springer

Heartbreak© A.k.A Breakdown© one of the original founders of the A.O.6© (Army of 6©). Bullied as a young boy due to finding herself at an early age, she entered the millitary and became a an impressive force alongside Onemanarmy. On the day of the Genome.E mutation, Heartbreak began to remember not so distant memories of her past bullies (Many who had joined the B.M.C.G - 4arm© & 6shot©), her desires changed from protecting Britain, to getting revenge on all her past bullies. Her and an old school friend Suffer© reconnected and formed the A.0.6© in rebellion against the B.M.C.G© establishment Government. 
Heartbreak© uses the powers of heartbreak and negative mental manipulation, she, like her succesors Sorrow© and Depression© can mentally devestate and impliment depressive and other forms of mental health problems at their most sevre forms upon their enemies using mentally projected (concetrated/widespread) waves.



©Marcus Springer

Zombiefie© is one of the newest members of the terrorist origination the A.O.6© (Army of 6©) after defecting from the B.M.C.G© (due to feeling neglected and misunderstood.
He has the ability to infect any living creature with a special neurotoxin glands he produces in his teeth. These toxins then turn the infected into a zombie-like state. He then has a physical and telepathic-like ability to command the zombies to his own needs.. From time to time he can produce 16 foot tall 'Royal Zombies (Kings/Queens) who can be made to independently control the zombie numbers so he can get some rest at night.



©Marcus Springer

Soulless of the A.O.6© - A low level telepath who can manipulate the life sources (souls) of intended/multiple nearby foes - not permanently, but nothing is more vulnerable experience than having your soul controlled whilst you watch your own soulless body walking towards Zombiefie© (his partner in crime) as an easy feast.
On the other hand Soulless can permanently obtain/absorb your soul if your body is damaged to the point of death and usually uses stored souls to use as weapons who hunt and drag other souls from their bodies.



©Marcus Springer

Depression© - A.O.6© With a now suicidal victim of his Mental Purge Attack


©Marcus Springer

Plague, an ex B.M.C.G© and current member of the Army of 6's© (A.O.6©) and known terrorist Plague©. He has the abilities to produced toxins, poisonous gases/liquids,of many forms at will. He can manipulate the air to his will (though it takes time, it is still deadly).

He can also summon pests like rats and locusts/mosquitoes and other native insects to demolish crops (and eat away and attack body parts).
Plague along with the original A.O.6 (excluding Zombiefie© and Soulless©) went on rampages between the years of 2046 to 2048 and have had encounters with the G.O.M's© Raptor©, Dragon© and Syndrome© during those years.
Until recent they had been recaptured by the team they had abandoned - the B.M.C.G© and had been kept in constraint for resumed experimentation and genetic altering.


©Marcus Springer

Sorrow© - A.O.6© using his mental breakdown wave attack.


Silvereye© of the A.O.6© (Army of 6©) With her two favourite weapons of choice.
Her immunity to everything allows her romance wih Zombifie© to be made possible and she also has the ability to deactivate the immune systems of others, leaving them sucesptible to the wrath of the A.O.6©.

©Marcus Springer


©Marcus Springer

Virus© of the B.M.C.G© and formerly of the A.0.6© is a target on the lisf of Syndrome© of the G.O.M© (Generation of Mutants©) due to his past association with the A.O.6©

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