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Malaxian Onslaught Guardians


Leader of the M.O.G©

©Marcus Springer

Soulstar© The legendary leader of the rebellious and merciless M.O.G - Malaxian Onslaught Guardians (Of the incoming out of orbit planet Malaxier.
Loyal to the late Queen Samantha (Liberator and hero of the Malaxian human species and orignator of the M.P.I - Malaxian Peace Initiators, and whom was killed by the hands of M.P.I's before Zackeous placed himself on the throne) Soulstar and his group of escapee's (of those who were also loyal to the great Queen Samantha), have initiated war against zackeous and everyone on Malaxier (Due to the global ownership of Malaxier by the M.P.I left from under the late queen's reign).
(Soulstar's team; Spacewarp, Talons, Doctor 109, Utilize, Defendos II, Shackles, Overcharge, Complicate, Patronize, Terrorize, Exhale and Thumper





©Marcus Springer

Talons©: Talons© is a member of the M.O.G© and is considered to be their most powerful elite soldier in both their ranks and amongst the Genome-e's© of planet Malaxier©.
Armed with the ability to form his hands into Talons harder than titanium and extracting dragon-like wings, he is considered a master of both the skies and the ground.
Talon's being from Earth's parallel planet Malaxier is both Raptor's© & Razor's© Parallel Genome Destiny© (Term* Malaxier is a parallel world in our universe. When their Parallel dominant species who harness Genome-E cells, is within close range of their parallel Earth equivalent. They create an unstable balance within themselves. This instability can only be controlled after the two have met, and mentally or physically settled their differences.)
Talons© forms a negative bond with Raptor©, both considering each other as being parallel nemesis to each other. Talon's© having an upper hand due to his M.O.G© military experience and being more in control of his wide range of explosively destructive Genome-E© abilities.

Razor© - Raptor's older brother, loyalist to the B.M.C.G© and another one of Talons P.G.D's©, he is equally as powerful as Talons©, Dragon© and Raptor©. He and Talons© have formed a positive bond through P.S.D© and may end up becoming a formidable duo.
Razor is a master of all terrains, including adaptive abilities to water, lava, outer space, In radioactive territory, without harm.
He is also equipped with claws, dragonfly-like wings military combat abilities and energy absorption, manipulation skills like Raptor©, Dragon© & Talons©





©Marcus Springer

Spacewarp© Second in charge of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
Armed with teleportation, space-warping and the abilities to survive in space replacing oxygen intake with cosmic energy absorption to keep him alive in space.
Being one of Soulstar's© most effective fighters at hand, he is usually kept out of battles and close to the side of Soulstar© at all times - effectively replacing their usual transportation methods if need be.
Spacewarp develops a hatred for anyone who opposes the M.O.G



©Marcus Springer

The chain & Barb producing Shackles© of the M.O.G© (Malaxier Onslaught Guardians©) She becomes Queen Elizabeth Psyswerve's© right hand/Royal knight after Psyswerve's Rebellion


Defendos 2

©Marcus Springer

Defendos© of the M.O.G© (Malaxier Onslaught Guardians©), thought to be more powerful and durable than Earth's 4arm© and 6Shot© She is a powerful force and skilled fighter.


Doctor 109

©Marcus Springer

Doctor 109© of The M.O.G.© (Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©)
The mad scientist is responsible for building the M.O.G bases, vehicles, weapons, and Brutes© as well as possessing the knowledge of the solar system and instant learning abilities.
He is one of Soulstar's most trusted allies.



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.



©Marcus Springer

Utilize, Defendos II, Shackles, Overcharge, Complicate, Patronize, Terrorize, Exhale and Thumper



©Marcus Springer

The chain & Barb producing Shackles© of the M.O.G© (Malaxier Onslaught Guardians©) She becomes Queen Elizabeth Psyswerve's© right hand/Royal knight after Psyswerves Rebellion.



©Marcus Springer

Utilize, Defendos II, Shackles, Overcharge, Complicate, Patronize, Terrorize, Exhale and Thumper



©Marcus Springer

Utilize, Defendos II, Shackles, Overcharge, Complicate, Patronize, Terrorize, Exhale and Thumper



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.



©Marcus Springer

Overcharge© an elite member of the (M.O.G) Malaxian Onslaught Guardians©
She posses the power of electricity and can manipulate them via Electrokinesis, Positron Manipulation, Quintessence Force, Electric Mimicry and Electrical Absorption.

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